Tuesday, January 15, 2013


It’s been a couple weeks since I posted, but nothing exciting’s been happening. I haven’t been out of the house much but I’m actually less bored. I get used to sitting around doing nothing and I don’t get bored nearly as fast. That’s how I used to spend my summers in high school. Next year I’ll have an apartment in my college’s town, so I won’t have to sit around for all of winter break. Classes start one week from today. They start on a Tuesday because Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Me and Lils are heading back Sunday, so that will give us a day or two to relax before classes start. I’m looking forward to seeing people again and having unrestricted internet access. I’ve actually been having more time alone in the house the last week, so I’ve been able to get on some gay/dating sites to exchange some messages with people. I have to say, I’m really getting tired of the whole chatting-online thing. Plenty of the guys are nice, but I’ll probably never see them in person, so it just seems like a waste of time. I’ve said before that Vee has a lot of gay friends (she’s such a fag hag or fairy princess, whichever you want to call her) and I think I’m going to get her to introduce me to more of them. I’ll probably come out to them, since they don’t really know other people I do besides Vee and so there’s very little chance of the subject of my sexuality getting back to random people I know. I get a little irritated with super flamboyant guys (I have a more reserved personality) but Vee does too, so most of her friends are pretty normal. You can tell they’re gay, but it’s not a big deal. So yeah, my plans for this semester really consist of trying to find some gay guys I can be friends with (or at least hang out with without wanting to kill them). It seems like a doable goal. I hope everyone else is enjoying their time, whatever they may be doing (break, work, school). If any of you wanted a week of extra break, I would switch with you in a heartbeat. I’m definitely ready to get back to class. Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait till you make some gay friends, because I think you will then find your 'boys' and it will make your life more interesting
