Sunday, May 6, 2012


A Reality: I've lost my dreams.
     The above image is from xkcd and pretty much describes my life. I've lost my dreams. I've lost my motivation. I'm just going through life doing what I'm "supposed" to. Except I don't even really care enough to try and change it like the comic is saying. I kinda know why that is. Losing my dreams, beliefs, and goals is a relatively recent occurrence and one I pray is temporary. If it's not, either I'm in trouble or the world is. Oh well, that's a problem for future me.
     If I had any readers they might ask, "What occurrence could bring about the blessing of two delightfully insightful posts in one day?" (Or maybe insert pessimistic, whiny, or depressing in place of delightfully insightful; your choice.) "Why," I would answer, "a conversation with Vee, of course! Who but a true friend would make you feel incredibly hopeless about your future while talking over lunch! Shame on all my other friends for not doing this." I feel I'm being overly dramatic about this. Plus I really don't feel like typing more right now. I more just put this up to help remind me what to talk about next. But yeah, pretty much I think my life sucks. (What? A young person who thinks that? Never! I know, I'm original in my thoughts.) Fuck reality.

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